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AVL Tree
IntroductionAVL Tree is a self-balancing Binary Search Tree. Its main characteristic is that the difference of height between the left and right sub-tree of all nodes cannot be more than one. This is called the Balance Factor of the node:
Example of AVL Tree
In other words, the balance factor of all nodes in an AVL Tree should always be
-1, 0, 1
. Since AVL Tree is still classified as a Binary Search Tree, the implementation of Binary Search Tree is still used in implementing AVL Tree though there are some stuff that have to be added for AVL Tree's characteristic of balance factors. For example, the node struct now contains their own height:
Insertion & Deletion
Insertion & deletion of nodes in an AVL Tree begins with the same insertion & deletion of nodes in a Binary Search Tree. However, upon performing either insertion & deletion, we must check whether the balance factor of all nodes is either
-1, 0, 1
. Should there be any
violation to the balance factor, then we can use rotations to solve them.There are 4 kinds of rotations used to resolve these violations: Single Left Rotation, Single Right Rotation, Left-Right Rotation and Right-Left Rotation.
Single Right Rotation
Single Left Rotation
Left-Right Rotation
Right-Left Rotation
Though the .gif for Left-Right Rotation only shows one left rotation, like the name suggests, one right rotation is done afterwards. Upon performing the initial left rotation, we can see that the tree becomes exactly like the tree used in the visualization for Single Right Rotation. Same with Right-Left Rotation.
Due to AVL Tree's characteristic of balance factors, one of AVL Tree's advantage is
O(log n)
searching time. However, AVL Tree's
disadvantage lies in its insertion & deletion because insertion &
deletion can involve lots of rotations.Since AVL Tree's advantage lies in its searching, it is used when fast searching is needed.
B Tree
IntroductionB-Tree is a self-balancing tree. The following are the propeties of a B-Tree for order = m:
- Each node has m children at most.
- Each non-root node has (m/2) children at least.
- The root has 2 children if it is not a leaf.
- Each non-leaf node with k children contain (k-1) keys.
- All data are kept in sorted order.
- All leaves are always on the same, bottom level.
Insertion (2-3 Tree)
There are two different cases during insertion, which are:
Case 1
New key is inserted but doesn't make the node full: Just add, nothing left to do. -
Case 2
New key is inserted and it makes a node full.Case 2a
Parent node isn't full.Case 2b
Parent node is full.
Insertion: Case 2a
Insertion: Case 2b
Deletion (2-3 Tree)
There are three different cases during deletion, which are:
Case 1
Keyleaf with deleted key is less than minimum and Keysibling is more than minimum. -
Case 2
Keyleaf with deleted key is less than minimum and Keysibling is NOT more than minimum. Case 3
Deleting internal node.
Deletion: Case 1
Deletion: Case 2
Deletion: Case 3
Sometimes, fixing the parents is required. Some examples:
Case 1
Keyparent is less than minimum and Keyparent's sibling is more than minimum. -
Case 2
Keyparent is less than minimum and Keyparent's sibling is less than minimum.
Fixing Parent Example: Case 1
Fixing Parent Example: Case 2
The height of a B-Tree is always minimized, due to its characteristics that allow multiple keys/values in a single node. Due to this characteristic, B-Tree is often used when dealing with large amount of datas (e.g. indexing in database).
Red Black Tree
IntroductionRed Black Tree is a kind of self-balancing Binary Search Tree. Unlike the usual Binary Search Tree, Red Black Tree has the following properties:
- Every node is colored either RED or BLACK.
- By default, root is colored BLACK. Newly added nodes afterwards will be initially colored as RED.
- External nodes are colored BLACK.
- There are no adjacent RED nodes.
Case 1
Colorparent node is BLACK: Just add, nothing left to do. -
Case 2
Colorparent node is RED.-
Case 2a
Colorparent's sibling is BLACK/NULL.- Perform appropriate rotation.
- Recolor.
Case 2b
Colorparent's sibling is RED.- Recolor, and recheck.
Insertion: Case 2a
Insertion: Case 2b -
Begin by performing BST deletion, and apply the appropriate cases:
Case 1
Colordeleted node is RED: Just delete, nothing left to do. -
Case 2
ColorDB's sibling and ColorDB's sibling's children are BLACK.- Remove DB
- If ColorDB's parent is RED, it becomes BLACK. Otherwise, it becomes DOUBLE BLACK.
- ColorDB's sibling becomes RED.
- If necessary, re-apply appropriate cases.
Case 3
ColorDB's sibling is RED.- Remove DB
- Swap ColorDB's parent with ColorDB's sibling.
- Rotate parent in the direction of DB.
- Re-apply appropriate cases.
Case 4
ColorDB's sibling is BLACK, Colorchild of DB's sibling nearest to DB is RED and Colorchild of DB's sibling farthest to DB is BLACK.- Swap ColorDB's sibling with Colorchild of DB's sibling nearest to DB.
- Rotate sibling in the opposite direction of DB.
- Apply Case 5.
Case 5
ColorDB's sibling is BLACK and Colorfarthest child of DB's sibling is RED. - Swap ColorDB's sibling with ColorDB's parent.
- Rotate parent in the direction of DB.
- Remove DB.
- Colorchild of DB's sibling farthest to DB becomes BLACK.
Red Black Trees are used in Java TreeMap, and the process scheduler in Linux.
Heaps & Tries
Introduction: HeapsThere are 3 kinds of heaps, which are Min-Heap, Max-Heap and Min-Max Heap.
Min-Heap is a heap with the characteristic where the value of all nodes are always smaller than the value of their children, hence it can be concluded that the smallest value is located on the root of the tree, and the largest value is located in one of the leaves.
Max-Heap is a heap with the characteristic where the value of all nodes are always greater than the value of their children, hence it can be concluded that the largest value is located on the root of the tree, and the smallest value is located in one of the leaves.
Min-Max Heap is a heap that alternates between the characteristic of a Min-Heap and Max-Heap from level to level.
Usage: Heaps
Heaps are often used in Heap Sort, and in implementing graph algorithms such as Prim's minimal spanning tree algorithm and Djikstra's shortest path problem. Tries
Tries, or prefix tree, is a kind of a tree data structure used to store an associative array (like strings).
DefinitionGraph is an abstract data structure with the purpose of implementing the mathematical concept of graph. It is also a collection vertices (or nodes) connected by edges.
There is Undirected Graph, it is a graph where its edges don't have direction. Likewise, there is Directed Graph, it is a graph where its edges have direction.
The connection between nodes of a graph can be represented by the Adjacency List Matrix. It can be implemented using array, or linked list.
Prim's Algorithm
Prim's algorithm is an algorithm to find the MST (Minimum Spanning Tree).
Kruskal's Algorithm
Kruskal's algorithm is an algorithm to find the MST (Minimum Spanning Tree).
Dijkstra's Algorithm
Dijkstra's algorithm is an algorithm to find the shortest path possible between two nodes.
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